The ADSL type-tested by AviaCert may now also be used in the offshore sector.
Since June 2020, our company has been one of three notified bodies nationwide that is allowed to approve ADSL (aircraft detection lighting systems). During this time, we have already prepared numerous expert opinions on the suitability of locations for the installation of ADSL, so that valuable experience and technical knowledge from practice could be gained.
Our experience has now also been incorporated into the revision of the Standard Offshore Aviation (SOLF) for the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). This has now been finally issued by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) on 15.08.2022 and subsequently published by the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV).
One of the main issues behind the SOLF amendment is the nighttime obstacle marking of the growing number of offshore wind turbines located within the EEZ (between 12 to 200NM offshore). In the future, it will be "lights out!", unless there is an aircraft in the vicinity that is dependent on nighttime obstacle marking.
In the information sheet published by the BSH on the commissioning of a ADSL, the implementation period for existing systems is also extended to December 31, 2023. Furthermore, it was determined that the ADSL certified on the basis of the General Administrative Regulation for the Marking of Aviation Obstacles (AVV) of April 2020, retain their validity for the EEZ area. This means that the two type-tested systems from Protea Tech GmbH and Dark Sky GmbH can also be used for offshore installations.
Do you have any questions about ADSL?
Then feel free to contact us at any time at